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Pumpkin Spice Latte For Lovers
Pumpkin Spice Latte. Add all ingredients to blender and blend until creamy. Serve & enjoy!
TIP: You can use tea instead of milk if you prefer.
Maybe She’s Born With It? Maybe It’s Caffeine!
There is nothing quite as satisfying as a steaming hot cup of coffee. Well, there are things … actually things that come AFTER that coffee. Can I say it? You have an amazing poop. This can be life-changing actually and SO good for your digestion.
Courage Cultivation Truth
Fear. Last year was a tough one. Everything I thought, loved, and believed in changed in an instant and after those moments I would never be the same. What followed was a journey that I can be grateful for now.
Thailand Or Bust!
The night began with an evening drop off at the Lihue, Kauai airport after a wonderfully eventful day. Wow. I was on a high just arriving at the airport thanks to some great energy from a new friend. Everything was seamless on Hawaiian Airlines to Honolulu at 10:47 PM and arrived 11:30 PM. I then had to haul myself over to the China Airlines terminal around midnight to board with hundreds of others for a 1:15 AM flight! Cray cray!
Acupuncture Observation #02
Two things you learn quickly in Japan is that there is the Old and The New way. That goes for ladies walking around in full Kimonos during the day contrasting the mind blurring technology-centric opposites of anime fashion.
Acupuncture Observation #01
While in Tokyo, Japan, I had the pleasure of meeting Edward Obaidey, of Edward Obaidey Acupuncture Clinic, where he does acupuncture, moxibustion and shiatsu medical massage. What a surprise to enter two flights of stairs off of a busy Tokyo street to a hazy, moxa clouded healing club. That’s what it felt like!
Righteous Reiki
Reiki (pronounced “ray-key“) is a hands-on healing system from Japan. It had been re-discovered in the late 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto. I had the absolute blessing to learn it in Japan as Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Weekend Wonders
Everyone I spoke with here in Japan insisted that I seek out the cherry blossoms before they were gone. Now I get what everyone is talking about. First off, the trees remind me a little of the spring in Iowa where the Bradford Pears, the flowering plums, and the redbuds would all bloom at the same time.
Mind Yo Manners
Geez. I wish Americans were this nice! When you are on an escalator, the Japanese step to the left to allow others that need to move faster room to zip. Can u see that everyone seems to be in conservative black – well, I didn’t get the memo. I’ll always show my colors, even in Japan!
Shabu Shabu Do!
Shabu shabu I think literally means “swish swish.” This restaurant happens to be Rodney’s absolute favorite. I love the combination of great food, company, and entertainment. The Kobe here in the picture was happiness in my mouth – So. Damn. Good.
Pop A Squat
Yes, really. It’s built into the floor. On the outside of the door it says Japanese style – I think what the h*ll I like that bidet in or room maybe it’s that – um no.