Anxiety · Anti-Inflammatory · Chronic Pain · Depression · Digestive · Grief · Immune Function · Mindset · Movement · Neurological · Recipes · Stress · Travel · Weight Loss
The Ultimate Guide To 97 Best Health And Fitness Trends
The last year has taught us that health and wellness are the number one priority. I’m constantly on the lookout for new and exciting trends in fitness and as an early adopter, I never get tired of seeing what’s new in this industry. No two people are alike on their respective journeys to achieving optimal health outcomes.
Does Your UPS Driver Give You Nutrition Advice?
Everything you think you know about healthy eating is making you fat and tired. Lawd have mercy – nutrition and diet info is everywhere! Even my UPS driver was trying to give me nutrition advice and sell me on his supplements. It’s a hot mess of misinformation out there to wade through. And each expert and/or association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right?
Sexy Summer Water Recipes
Yes. Drink your water. I’ll be honest, I hate plain water. It’s a chore for me to get it down. I tried the ‘bad for you’ sweeteners that you add in with the well-documented poison aspartame. Ewwww.
Three Ways To Avoid Overeating At Meals
Here’s my story: Here I am heading to a fun summer gathering: a party, beach, bonfire, lake, festival. Super cute outfit, barefoot, lots of friends, laughing and ‘talking story.’ I start to think ”Well, I’ve been really good all week with my low carb-ness,” I’ll just have a glass of wine and a small bite of the deliciousness that everyone is partaking in. Fast forward a few hours and I’m fully off the rails and eating and drinking everything in site. What happened? I look down at my bloatedness and see her … my Food Baby. Is that what I was expecting?
Courage Cultivation Truth
Fear. Last year was a tough one. Everything I thought, loved, and believed in changed in an instant and after those moments I would never be the same. What followed was a journey that I can be grateful for now.
Thailand Or Bust!
The night began with an evening drop off at the Lihue, Kauai airport after a wonderfully eventful day. Wow. I was on a high just arriving at the airport thanks to some great energy from a new friend. Everything was seamless on Hawaiian Airlines to Honolulu at 10:47 PM and arrived 11:30 PM. I then had to haul myself over to the China Airlines terminal around midnight to board with hundreds of others for a 1:15 AM flight! Cray cray!
In The Now
I’ve been on the island almost two weeks now. After hair and blood tests confirmed that my adrenals were completely depleted – I had broken sleep, anxiety, and hot/cold flashes. I had taken care of many people throughout the years in this state but never had an appreciation until I walked this road myself.
New Beginnings
It’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. I feel I’ve been through a long and weary war to some extent. During those dark times I didn’t feel the need to manufacture anything happy and joyful to blog world.
Mind Yo Manners
Geez. I wish Americans were this nice! When you are on an escalator, the Japanese step to the left to allow others that need to move faster room to zip. Can u see that everyone seems to be in conservative black – well, I didn’t get the memo. I’ll always show my colors, even in Japan!