Acupuncture Clinic in Kauai, Hawaii
Meet Dr. Brooke: Your Guide To Vibrant Wellness
Dr. Brooke Foreman stands for women having vibrancy all through their life. As a women's lasting beauty & vitality expert, she pulls from her passions in Eastern & Functional Medicine, Fitness and yoga to serve.
During her over 25 years of healthcare experience, she has been called a “miracle worker,” “Dr. Sunshine,” and ‘wellness warrior” by patients and colleagues. Why? Because she is a relentless fighter for her patients – investigating and delivering the best, simplest, and safest ways to improve their lives as quickly as possible.
She has inspired and empowered thousands of clients, instructors, healthcare providers, and patients worldwide by integrating the best of east and west scientifically-sound healing modalities for natural beauty and longevity.
chronic pain
digestive issues
immune function
mental fitness
Dr. Brooke’s Treatment Expertise
You can find Dr. Brooke island hopping between Waikiki and Kauai to offer up the following treatments:
sports performance
skin rejuvenation
sexual health
weight loss
women’s health
Acupuncture Changed My Life – Here’s My “Why”
I was a western-medicine-traveling-drug-rep and fitness fanatic. I fully ignored any “check engine light” that would go off in my body. I knew that I should have slowed down, de-stressed, and taken care of myself better but I choose to keep my frenetic schedule the way it was. “Keeping up with the Joneses” I called it – otherwise known as: achieve, achieve, achieve. Until one snowy day I walked out of the Sioux Falls, SD airport and schlepped my luggage into my rental car for the 100th time and hurt my back. I was immobile and the security from the airport had to pick me up off the ice.
I then did what most of us do, I went to go see a doctor. He told me I needed surgery and drugs for the herniated discs and he could get me on his schedule for surgery in a month. He also mentioned in a positive way that the surgery had a 50% chance of reducing my pain. What? Cut on me and a big surgery for 50% – NO WAY. So I decided to see what I could do for myself. I reluctantly went to a chiropractor (who in the past I had thought were quacks) and achieved ok results. It would work for a while but the pain eventually came back.
Thank goodness this chiropractor decided to refer me to an acupuncturist. At the time I remember thinking, NO WAY. I hate needles. Who is this ‘granola’ person? Do they re-use needles? Does Chinese Medicine even work? When you are in so much pain you will try anything – and I did. I arrived at the acupuncturist’s office and was shocked to see that she was Caucasian and not Chinese. How will this work if she’s not even Chinese? I thought … so stereotypical. She told me to expect the pain to be gone in 3-6 treatments. Riiiiiiight? I’m signed up for surgery, chiropractic, and massage didn’t work and now somehow this will? So I decided to try the treatments. Lo and behold within 4 treatments she had me out of pain and I ultimately avoided surgery.
World Health Organization Has Proven Acupuncture Is Effective For:
Chronic and Acute Pain – injuries, headaches, neck and back pain, tendonitis, sciatica, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia
Neurological Disorders – post-stroke recover, Bell’s Palsy & Trigeminal Neuralgia, movement disorders
Upper Respiratory Disorders – asthma, allergies, bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, laryngitis, colds and flu
Digestive Disorders – irritable bowel, colitis, constipation, diarrhea, gastritis, heartburn, food allergies, ulcers
Psychological Disorders – depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, jet lag
Immune Function – recurrent infections, supportive treatment for cancer and AIDS patients
Addictions – addictions to nicotine, alcohol and drugs
Eye and Ear Disorders – tinnitus, Meniere’s disease
Urinary and Reproductive Disorders – cystitis, menstrual cramps, irregular or heavy periods, infertility, menopausal symptoms