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What Are The Benefits Of Using A Health Coach?
Health is wealth and using a coach can pay dividends toward your vitality and longevity. Here are my top 11 reasons to hire a coach now:
1. Assist you in changing behaviors that can lead to chronic disease.
Behavior such as lifestyle issues: stress reductions, heart disease, blood pressure, weight loss, smoking cessation and getting physically active is now recognized to be a more significant predictor of excellent health and healthy living than genetics, according to recent studies into the causes of chronic diseases. Poor sleep, poor nutrition, and unhealthy behavior choices have been identified as major contributors to chronic illnesses.
The Ultimate Guide To 97 Best Health And Fitness Trends
The last year has taught us that health and wellness are the number one priority. I’m constantly on the lookout for new and exciting trends in fitness and as an early adopter, I never get tired of seeing what’s new in this industry. No two people are alike on their respective journeys to achieving optimal health outcomes.
Benefits Of Wagyu Grass-fed Beef For Baby Boomers
Benefits of Wagyu Grass-Feed Beef for Baby Boomers? Many baby boomers don’t know the benefits of Wagyu grass-fed organic beef. They just see it as an overrated thing that health-conscious people like to talk about. But, this is far from the truth. Let’s unravel the hidden mysteries of grass-fed beef and why it is so beneficial for seniors.
Does Your UPS Driver Give You Nutrition Advice?
Everything you think you know about healthy eating is making you fat and tired. Lawd have mercy – nutrition and diet info is everywhere! Even my UPS driver was trying to give me nutrition advice and sell me on his supplements. It’s a hot mess of misinformation out there to wade through. And each expert and/or association tries to lead you in their direction because they know best and their advice is going to help you. Right?