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Acupuncture Observation #01
While in Tokyo, Japan, I had the pleasure of meeting Edward Obaidey, of Edward Obaidey Acupuncture Clinic, where he does acupuncture, moxibustion and shiatsu medical massage. What a surprise to enter two flights of stairs off of a busy Tokyo street to a hazy, moxa clouded healing club. That’s what it felt like!
Righteous Reiki
Reiki (pronounced “ray-key“) is a hands-on healing system from Japan. It had been re-discovered in the late 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui of Kyoto. I had the absolute blessing to learn it in Japan as Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, the Usui System of Natural Healing.
Weekend Wonders
Everyone I spoke with here in Japan insisted that I seek out the cherry blossoms before they were gone. Now I get what everyone is talking about. First off, the trees remind me a little of the spring in Iowa where the Bradford Pears, the flowering plums, and the redbuds would all bloom at the same time.
Mind Yo Manners
Geez. I wish Americans were this nice! When you are on an escalator, the Japanese step to the left to allow others that need to move faster room to zip. Can u see that everyone seems to be in conservative black – well, I didn’t get the memo. I’ll always show my colors, even in Japan!
Pop A Squat
Yes, really. It’s built into the floor. On the outside of the door it says Japanese style – I think what the h*ll I like that bidet in or room maybe it’s that – um no.